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Office of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & 访问

养致力于为学生提供一个安全、尊重和包容的环境 benefit of our entire campus community.

如果您正在访问此页面,您或您认识的人可能正在或已经经历过 a hurtful event or situation. We at 养 know, we never want that to be part of your 在这里的经验,并希望立即解决问题,以及提供 you with resources you may need.

偏差报告 System

e s f bias reporting response resource养的偏见报告系统为养的学生、员工和教职员工提供了一个途径 报告发生在校园内或校外的偏见、偏执或仇恨事件 settings that impact 养. 报告 may be submitted anonymously or with the reporter's 名称包括. 请注意 that submitting a report anonymously may impact 养's ability to fully respond to your concerns. 养 Community members who feel they have been the 偏见的目标(或目睹了与偏见有关的事件)可以报告该事件 online, or contact these 第九条 Authorities.

Bias Incident Reporting Form

The Bias Incident Reporting form is NOT for 911 or Emergency Service. Do not use this form to report events that present an immediate threat. 如果你需要的话 emergency assistance, please call 养's University Police at 315-470-6666 or 911.

Your confidentiality and trust is very important to us! We will make every effort to respect your privacy. Please be aware, however, in certain circumstances involving safety or criminal action, we may not be able to guarantee anonymity.

您的联系信息是可选的,只有当您想要跟进/反馈时才需要. Please use 'anonymous' in the name field if you wish to remain so.


  • 月亮图书馆
  • 招生办公室
  • 学生事务
  • 人力资源
  • 纪念大厅

您(或代表您的人)可以通过以下方式提交偏见报告表格的硬拷贝: 把它送到贝克实验室的包容、多元化和公平办公室 221; mailing it (with or without a return address) to 养, Attn: Rebecca Hoda-Kearse, 第九条 Coordinator and Affirmative Action Officer,, 315-565-3012

What happens when you report?

步骤1: When 养 receives a bias report, the information is received by:

问题? 网赌平台.

Rebecca Hoda-Kearse
第九条 Coordinator and Affirmative Action Officer

步骤2: 匿名在线报告:如果报告是匿名提交的,则进行判定 is made as to whether the report is actionable. If no action is possible or warranted, 该报告是为了评估校园气候和文化而编写的. 如果事件是可采取行动的,报告将被记录下来,并做出决定 regarding the key resources to be leveraged and best course of action.

All other on-line and in-person reports: 报告形成文件,并确定关键资源 为受影响的个人或团体以及更广泛的校园社区提供支持.

关键资源的例子,以促进最佳行动方针,以满足需求 of the individual and/or groups impacted by the incident include:

  • Counseling Services
  • 学生事务
  • 人力资源
  • University Police
  • 研究生院
  • Office of International Education
  • 纪念大厅

大学对报道的偏见事件的反应的核心将是确定 事件中是否有违反校规的行为. 而受事件影响的人的愿望和偏好(“报告”) 党”)将通知大学可能采取的行动,社会的福利 is measured against our policies and values must also drive our response. 在这个 上下文中,如果报告方要求对报告保密,则 university will make all reasonable attempts to comply with this request.

步骤3: 在关键资源和受影响的个人/群体的指导下,额外的校园实体 是否会被征询意见,以考虑参与更广泛社区的最佳策略 适当的. These resources may include but are not limited to:

  • Student Government
  • Academic Governance
  • 行政内阁

养希望学生、员工和教职员工使用偏见报告系统进行报告 真诚地. 养 reserves the right to take disciplinary action against individuals who do not submit reports 真诚地.


  • What is the official definition of a bias incident?
    偏见的定义:针对个人、群体或他们的行为的单一或多重行为 他们创造的如此严重、普遍和客观上令人反感的财产 不合理的恐吓、敌意或攻击性的工作、学习或项目环境; 人们可以合理地得出结论是基于实际或感知的年龄,种族, 肤色、信仰、宗教、性别认同或表达、种族、国籍、 残疾,退伍军人身份,性取向,政治派别,婚姻状况, 精神、文化、社会经济地位,或这些或其他的任何组合 相关因素.
  • What are examples of bias or hate 事件?
    偏见事件包括但不限于:诽谤、侮辱性语言、 epithets, graffiti, vandalism, intimidation, symbols, and harassment; that are directed toward or affect the targeted individual or group. Incidents of bias contribute to 一个充满敌意的校园环境,即使行为本身是无意的,也可能发生 or delivered as a joke, prank, or having humorous intent.
  • How does reporting work?
    偏见事件报告系统保持了养社区的目标成员 在反应过程的中心,这样个人就可以决定他们想要什么 继续. When a report is submitted.

    报告 may also be submitted anonymously; allowing you to provide the information you feel comfortable providing. The more information you provide, the more proactive 养可以是.
  • What is the response to a bias or hate incident?
    对事件的反应将根据事件和涉及的个人而有所不同. 如果有违规行为,一些事件将被提交给学生行为处理程序 向我们的行为准则或执法部门,或养人力资源部(如适用) to faculty and staff).  It is important to note that the majority of 事件 will not travel that path. This occurs for a variety of reasons including at the request 或者因为该行为不会被视为违法行为 of the conduct code.

    只要有可能,养将根据现有信息尝试创建 an educational opportunity with students who have engaged in a bias incident.  虽然 偶尔令人沮丧,这种方法创造了机会,以应对更大的 number of 事件 while also maintaining the educational mission of 养.
  • Why should I report and incident of bias or hate?
    养可以最好地支持目标个人,并旨在预防未来 事件. The purpose of the bias incident reporting process is to provide impacted 偏见或仇恨事件的当事方有机会被倾听和支持,被理解 并对影响养的情况作出反应,教育和告知社区,以及 提高对与偏见或仇恨事件有关的无知和不宽容的认识. 偏见事件报告程序为证人、旁观者、目标提供服务 个人、罪犯或社区成员,包括但不限于 to counseling, training and professional development, and escort service.
  • What 事件 have occurred at 养?
    Learn about bias or hate 事件 during Fall 2019 as we begin to archive data

    养 Campus Safety Act 报告 that archive crimes (not bias) prepared by 养 University Police
  • What help is available for targeted individuals who experience bias or hate?
    Targeted individuals of bias or hate 事件 may need immediate support. 看到内部 and external to 养 resources listed at the above URLs.

    Targeted individuals are also encouraged to report the incident. If the person reporting 事件要求跟进,养人员将与他们联系以提供支持 和资源. If the person reporting the incident requests follow-up, the Bias Response and Advocacy Coordinator will contact them to provide support 和资源.
  • How can I help educate campus about bias?
    我们渴望参加学生组织会议、院系会议、宿舍会议 programs, or other events to provide trainings and workshops.